
王建荣  冯卫英


摘  要:茶叶于17世纪初传入西方社会,日后逐渐成为海上丝绸之路的大宗贸易商品,且贸易数量多、价值大。饮茶习俗在西方社会的形成,促进了中国瓷器的外销。本文尝试通过中国茶叶博物馆现藏的文物中的外销茶叶、茶具以及纸质文物,研究、并证明茶叶在传入西方之后的几个世纪对西方社会的文化、经济,尤其是对茶业和陶瓷业所产生的影响。


 Glancing at the Chinese Tea Spreading to theWest, Based on the Research of Cultural Relics in the China National Tea Museum

Guo Danying Feng Weiying

(China National Tea Museum, Hangzhou,310013)

Abstract: Since the seventeenth century, tea (CamelliaSinensis) was taken to the west, then became one of the mostimportant and valuable commodity on the south Marine Silk Road. When tea wasaccepted by the local people and into the culture, the custom of tea drinking requiredmore tea wares and that improved the market demand of china. Collections in theChina National Tea Museum, including the tea salvaged from the wrecks, teawares, and some paintings, could simply show and reveal the history fromseventeen to nineteen century about the Chinese tea spreading to the west. Furthermore,the influences to the culture, economy and the porcelain industry in westernsociety were discussed in the final.

Keywords: cultural relic; tea; tea wares; spreading tothe western society; influences

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