Opening Ceremony of “Travel in Time – 2012 Fashion Review” Exhibition

On the afternoon of November 29th, the opening ceremony of “Travel in Time - 2012 Fashion Review” makes a review of the Chinese fashion in the last year, capturing the sparks in the textile and garment world. On the opening ceremony, a fashion show is on.

The exhibition is held by China Fashion Designers Association and National Textile Center of China, and hosted by CNSM. It is attended by Huang Nengfu, Li Dangqi, Yao Xiaojun, Chen Guanzhong, and fashion designers, leaders and experts in culture heritage protection and museum fields home and abroad.

There are about 100 items on display, divided into five parts: “Reversed Direction” “Tracing to Sources” “Technology” “Floral Realm” and “Harmonious Fusion”.

It is part of the anniversary celebration of CNSM, lasting to the end of February, 2013.

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